Why do people who drink red wine have to turn the glass a few times before drinking?

Why do people who drink red wine have to turn the red wine cup a few times before drinking? It must be strange to people who don’t drink red wine often. On Wednesday, April 3, 2019, the editor of Credit Suisse Glass Co., Ltd. sorted out a data to answer the questions. That is to promote the contact between wine and air and make the taste better. Different wine tasters shake their red wine glasses (hereinafter referred to as shake glasses) in different ways, with various postures. But there is no right or wrong way, just find your own comfort.

Promote the contact between wine and air, make tannin oxidation weaken the original astringent taste of wine, and make the wine more refreshing and soft, but excessive contact with air will also make the wine taste too thin.

To put it simply, it is to promote the contact between wine and air and make the taste of wine open faster. If you want to know, it is better to take a bottle of red wine and pour two glasses. Let a glass stand and smell it. Shake the other cup gently and smell it. You will know the difference.

Of course, to expand, this glass of red wine is divided into two cups. The one that is still, smell it when you open the bottle, smell it after 10 minutes of standing, smell it after 20 minutes of standing, and smell it after two hours of standing. Every time you smell, find some adjectives to describe the smell you smell.

If you use the same method for the shaking cup, you will soon find the difference.

When tasting wine, we have a 4S rule: sight/color, swirl/shake glass, smart/smell, sip/taste. One of them is a shaker. Many beginners don’t understand why other people shake their glasses before drinking? To tell the truth, I didn’t understand at first! But don’t underestimate this action. This simple action will make others think you are very professional and meaningful. Especially in front of the opposite sex, the action of gently shaking the cup will enhance your charm